My Life After Stroke


The “My Life after Stroke” (MLAS) course is part of a larger research programme which aims to develop a new model of primary care services for stroke survivors living in the community. This new model of care involves a practice based intervention which includes a structured review of stroke needs. The new model is going to be tested using a cluster randomised controlled trial in GP Surgeries in the East of England and East Midlands. MLAS is one component of this new model of care.

MLAS is a self-management course for stroke survivors and their carers. The course aims to enable stroke survivors and their carers to be better informed about stroke, how to cope with its effects, and how best to reduce risk of further stroke.

A self-management programme for people who have experienced stroke and their carers

Survivors of stroke tell us of many long-term problems. The My Life After Stroke (MLAS) programme aims to address a feeling of abandonment after discharge and address patient and carers’ information and knowledge needs surrounding many aspects of stroke and stroke care. We have developed the MLAS programme with help from stroke survivors, their carers, health care professionals and support groups.

The MLAS programme aims to enable stroke survivors and their carers to be better informed about stroke, how to cope with its effects, and how best to reduce risk of further stroke.

Patient Involvement

Patients will first attend a structured review of stroke needs at their GP surgery as part of the new model of primary care. At the end of the review the patient will be given information about the MLAS programme. If the patient wishes to take part they will be invited to attend:

  • One 45 minute individual preparatory session.
  • Four weekly 2.5 hour group-based sessions. These sessions cover topics under the categories of stroke prevention, information, social needs and psychological issues.
  • One final 45 min individual session 4 weeks after the last group session.

Each MLAS session will be run by two trained facilitators. All sessions will be held at a suitable local community facility.

The MLAS programme consists of six sessions