
What is IPCAS?

Improving Primary Care After Stroke” (IPCAS) is a clinical trial looking at a new service for stroke survivors.

People who have had a stroke get help initially after they come back home from the hospital, however we are interested in how GP Surgeries could better support stroke survivors and therefore we have developed a new General Practice service. To develop this new service, we talked to stroke survivors, their carers, and health care professionals. You can find out more about our developmental work in the background section of this website.

We are conducting this study to test this new service and we will launch it in a number of GP Surgeries. We will test how well this service is received compared to current care for stroke survivors.

Who can take part?

People with a history of stroke on the registers of GP practices in the East of England and the East Midlands will be invited to take part. We will aim to recruit approximately 920 people registered with 46 general practices. We will target Practices with a stroke register comprising a minimum of 100 patients, to ensure that we reach our cluster target of 16 – 24 participants.

Potentially eligible participants will be sent an invitation to take part in the study by their GP surgery. Once all invitation letters and reminders have been sent out to patients in a practice, the GP practice will be randomised. GP practices will be randomised in a ratio of 1:1 to intervention or control. Intervention practices will deliver the new model of primary care. The control arm will consist of current usual care.

Actual Enrollment total: 1042

What will the study involve?

  • Completing a Consent Form at the start of the study.
  • Completing two sets of Questionnaires at the start of the study.
  • Completing a Questionnaire 6 months after you agree to take part.
  • Completing a Questionnaire 12 months after you agree to take part.

You may also me invited to attend a Stroke Review at your GP Surgery. Not all participants will be invited to attend a stroke review.

Want to find out more?

If you have any questions about IPCAS please contact the study team:

Telephone: 01223 748696

The full IPCAS Participant Information Sheet can be found here: IPCAS Participant Information Sheet v2.0

Below is a map of all the current locations IPCAS is being trialled